
1 100 people

Operations in

20+ countries

Growth in order intake


Revenue 2024

268 M EUR


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HMS financial development

In 2024, HMS’ sales amounted to SEK 3,059 (3,025) million, and adjusted operating profit amounted to SEK 665 (792) million.

Key figures


Incoming orders 2,8122,3033,0642,5381,447
Net sales3,0593,0252,5061,9721,467
Growth in net sales, %1212734-3
Adjusted operating profit, SEK m 665792675466306
Adjusted operating margin, %2226272421
Operating profit503753653446306
Operating margin, %1625262320
Adjusted profit for the year472610530382239
Profit for the year310571508362220
Net profit margin, %10.118.920.218.415.0
Adjusted earnings per share, SEK9.6513.0711.368.25.12
Earnings per share, SEK6.3512.2310.897.614.79
Cash flow from operating activities592519431508370
Average number of employees during the year (FTE)1,059821726684614


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