HMS Networks named one of Sweden's most attractive employers for women

13 Mar 2024 at 23:00
Corporate news
HMS has been named a Career Company in both 2023 and 2024 by the jury of Karriärföretagen. In 2023, HMS was also ranked as a top-10 company in IT, both by students and by young professionals in 2023.

Karriärföretagen’s network, consisting of students at Sweden's universities, has in a surveyed the most attractive workplaces for women. HMS is placed number seven on this list.

What does the award mean?

During the period October 2023 – March 2024, Karriärföretagen has conducted a poll in its Student and Young Professionals network, only among female members. The question they have been asked to answer is "Who are the three most attractive employers among those who have been named Career Companies 2024". This has resulted in a top 10 list where women want to work within each educational category (Economists, Lawyers, Civil Engineers, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, IT, Real Estate Agents & Tech).

The students who voted are people who are actively studying a university or college education at one of Sweden's higher education institutions.

Young professionals refer to people between the ages of 25 and 35 who have obtained an academic degree and started their professional career.

"It's great to receive this award," says Linda Oscarson, Human Resources Manager at HMS in Halmstad. We have a strategic goal from Group Management to increase our female leaders and, the number of female employees. It's a challenge since we work in a traditionally male-dominated tech niche, but we're steadily increasing the number of female managers and this is a sign that we're moving in the right direction.

HMS's previous awards at Karriärföretagen

HMS has been named a Career Company in both 2023 and 2024 by the jury of Karriärföretagen. In 2023, HMS was also ranked as a top-10 company in IT, both by students and by young professionals in 2023.
Career companies.
Karriärföretagen has 26,000 unique visitors a month and is one of Sweden's leading websites for students and young professionals to find attractive employers, scholarships, jobs and trainee programs.

The Career Companies Student and Young Professionals network consists of approximately 30,000 people (55% of whom are women) who regularly use Karriärföretagen to search for information about future employers, scholarships, jobs and trainee positions.