
HQ in Halmstad

Halmstad, a city on the west coast of Sweden with its 105,500 inhabitants and 45 km of beaches. A favorite destination during the summer months.


Halmstad is also HMS Networks HQ and here we are about 280 co-workers. Working in all of our value chain, from development to supply and our support functions.


Our office is centered close to the central station in Halmstad, a few minutes walk if you commute by train or bus. Convenient and environmental friendly.

If you want some fresh air, take a walk along the Nissan river or a walk to the city center for a lunch. 

Benefits at HMS Halmstad

HMS share savings program

Take part at HMS’ success! HMS is a listed company at NASDAQ. With the HMS Share Savings Program we give all employees the opportunity to invest in the company and benefit from our success.

Office perks

There is daily supply of fresh fruit and coffee. Every Friday, we come together for a breakfast with sandwiches from a local bakery. Additionally, we enjoy the pool table and ping pong table. Special occasions like Easter, Summer, and Christmas are celebrated with thoughtful gifts.


Wellbeing is important for us at HMS. We provide an annual wellness grant (friskvård) you can spend outside work, we offer workout sessions regularly (i.e. crossfit, flexibility training), massage at a discounted price, yearly health check and we have our own gym.

Shortening of working time

Arbetstidsförkortning (ATF), shortening of working hours. We offer up to 56 hours to your "working time reduction account" to be used throughout the year to shorten your workdays.

Parental leave

We want to make it possible to balance work and family life. We offer paid-parental leave and Parental Leave Top-Up. This entitles you to up to 90% of your annual salary, starting from 1+ year of employment.

Insurance and pension

We offer collectively agreed occupational pension and insurance, and unique and independent digital pension guidance.


Stories from our local employees


"I value the opportunity to solve market problems and develop products through cross-functional collaboration. As a Product Manager, I get to work with different competences across Marketing, Sales, Design and our world-class Engineering team."

Andreas Stillborg, Product Manager


"Embracing a mindset of continuous improvement is fundamental to my approach. The senior leadership team within HMS, collaborating with skilled colleagues and ability to navigate the complexities of the industry motivate me to continually refine my skills and contribute meaningfully to the organization's objectives".

Amelia Kruse, Project Manager


"One of my most rewarding experiences at HMS occurred when I discovered my ability to contribute suggestions for improvement and actively drive meaningful changes."

Youssef Al-Saleh, System Super User & Live Chat Agent

Awards and recognition

Young Professionals selects HMS as one of Sweden's top 10 employers

Karriärföretagen has conducted a vote among Young Professionals regarding their choice of future employers by asking the question, which are the three most attractive and exciting employers among one of Sweden’s "Career Companies of the Year 2023".

A Great Place To Work - certified

HMS Networks has been certified as “A Great Place to Work®” — an international standard for workplace evaluation.

Students selects HMS as one of Sweden's top 10 employers

Karriärföretagen has through its student network carried out a vote regarding their choice of future employers by asking the question, which are the three most attractive and exciting employers among one of Sweden’s "Career Companies of the Year 2023".