IEC 62443: Ewon strengthens its security posture

30 May 2024 at 22:00
Product News
Cyber security
Ewon® by HMS Networks has always prioritized security. Recently, the Ewon Cosy+ solution was assessed against IEC 62443-4-2 criteria by NVISO, a globally recognized cybersecurity expert. We’re proud to support our customers in fortifying their cybersecurity measures.

Ewon has consistently prioritized security in its product design and development, a commitment already proven by its ISO 27001 certification. As the industry evolves, so do the standards of excellence with IEC 62443 emerging as the benchmark for cybersecurity in industrial automation applications.

To reinforce our commitment to cybersecurity, Ewon has collaborated with NVISO, a globally recognized independent cybersecurity expert, to evaluate the Ewon Cosy+ solution against the IEC 62443-4-2 criteria

Based on this assessment, HMS is the ideal partner to support customers on their own IEC 62443 implementation with detailed results and proposals for achieving their targeted application security level. Detailed results are available under NDA.

An ongoing commitment to improvement

This first assessment marks the beginning of an ongoing process where Ewon will remain deeply involved. Together with NVISO, we are committed to assessing all our products under similarly rigorous standards. As the market evolves, aligning with the IEC 62443 standard ensures that our clients' environments remain secure.

Ewon by HMS: your reliable partner for remote access

Ewon by HMS Networks stands as your reliable partner in achieving secure remote access. Every day, we work to make industries more accessible and secure. The IEC 62443 standard is a real compass in this respect. Click here to find out how IEC 62443-4-2 fits in with our global commitment to cybersecurity.

Learn more about IEC 62443

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