The cloud server status page provides our customers with direct information about our cloud servers. This includes information like scheduled maintenance or potential issues discovered. To view the full list of server information details please click the link below.
Professional Services from HMS helps customers with any type of assistance needed in addition to the products bought from HMS. The Professional Services page offers a list of all services we provide.
Typical activities are project planning, setting up evaluation demos, creating and validating product configurations, providing guidance during field trials, and more.
Training from HMS Academy reduces the total cost and time of your project and gives improved quality and efficiency of the solution.
HMS offers trainings related to products, technologies and more. This could be in the form of an onsite training, online training or by running one of our eLearning sessions.
Please get in contact with one of our distributors, carefully selected partners who can provide first-line support for HMS' products and solutions in the local language.
If you are unable to find a distributor for your country or have bought the product directly from HMS, you can always contact HMS through the HMS Support portal.
To download the most common software and drivers visit this page. For all other files visit the support tab on each product page.
HMS puts lot of effort into developing secure and robust solutions. Regardless of this, we or others detect security issues in our products from time to time. To view all security advisors or report an issue visit the Cybersecurity pages.
To find information about HMS' legacy products or find a suitable replacement product please visit our legacy support page.
HMS Industrial Networks (HMS) develops products that are meant to stay on the market for a long time, often more than 10 years. To manage the products in a structured way during the lifetime, HMS has established a product lifecycle policy over a series of product lifecycle phases.