Professional services

Anybus Wireless & Infrastructure Implementation Assistance

This service speeds up design and implementation using Anybus products. It includes assistance with configurations, based on intended design and application, application review and review of communication logs, guidance on best practice regarding settings, timers etc, guidance on wireless installation and predictive site survey.


Service Description

Service includes one or more of the following

  • Assist with configuration based on intended design and application.
  • Application review and review of communication logs.
  • Guidance on best practice regarding setting, timers etc.
  • Guidance on wireless installation and predictive site survey.
  • Based on application suggest products, useful functionality and how to combine.
  • Recommend wireless technology to use.
  • Recommend solutions for security and redundancy.
  • Recommendation of tools and documentation that will reduce configuration time
  • Guidance in configuration and installation


Pre-requisites / Customer Provides

Description of use case and wanted result.

  • Description of included machines, PLC’s etc.
  • Description of protocols used
  • Floor plans and blueprint of building (for predictive site survey).


Time and location
At HMS in Halmstad, at customers site, Teams or Zoom. Charged per hour. Please note that when services
are performed at customer site, travel time and travel expenses will be charged extra.


  • Report on suggested recommendations, products, antennas, settings and security aspects to consider.
  • Survey report with suggest placing of access points and antennas.
  • Links to documentation and similar resources


Important Information

To be able to advise regarding wireless coverage, drawing of building is needed to give accurate

Request the service